November 2021 Business Meeting

10 November 2021, First United Methodist Church

Attending: Rune, Tatiana, Sophia, Ben, Avelyn, Randall, Juliana, William, Sifrid, Sofya, Brigida, Berndt, Gwyn, Gobban

Chatelaine: nothing new, not sure if we want to approach Hampton this year, maybe after Christmas

Herald: nothing new, new personas/devices/badges being considered.

Chronicler: if we want an issue in January, start getting him some articles

Exchequer: no new expenditures or incomes.

Web Minister: we have a webpage. He hasn’t heard anything on the new officer email situation.

Archery Marshal: we have bows and arrows. It would be nice if we could use them.

Events: Juliana is going to tour the Cedar Spring Park that Jutte found, although they’re transitioning leadership so that will complicate things. It sounds like a really nice site. Full kitchen, big gym-like space, pre-set archery range.

There isn’t a lot of new information on Jutte. She’s getting a bit stir-crazy. WBC are really low, might be needing a bone marrow transplant.