October 2020 Business Meeting

Chatelaine – nothing new to report. No demos with the Covid. We’re working with a new no-man’s land member in Eldora, Caelin Leatherworker [sic], although we might have to share him with Axed Root.

Web Minister – We still have a website. Rune has emailed the Kingdom Webminster to remind them that he’s taken over.

Herald – Gida’s new badge, a punner, is on the Calontir internal commentary letter, and will hopefully go to Laurel on an external letter soon.

Chronicler – we don’t have newsletter since there’s no news. We suggest he go through the binders of ancient history to share. Stories of the first Black Harvest with snow and livestock from the tower…

Archery – not present, busy with a very important A&S project. See Other News: below.

Exchequer – we have money.

A&S – since this is almost certainly our last outdoor meeting for the season, we (with reluctance) vote to suspect A&S meetings until spring. Gida recommends we catch the YouTube channel “Tasting History” with a guy from CA who goes through dishes from Ancient Greece to the 17th cent. English History website had lots of good stuff. Juliana wants to play with cheese, too. Gida says she uses cider or champagne (best) vinegar for her quick cheeses. The farmer’s cheeses and aged cheeses need rennet.

No old business.

No new business.

Other News: Diaragh Fiadh McRobie was born today. Our congratulations to Mom, Dad and Big Sister.