11 May 2022, First United Methodist Church
Attending: William, Juliana, Avelyn, Sifrid, Sofya, Gida, Berndt, Gobban, Gwyn, Tatiana, Ben, Rune, Sophie
Chateleine: nothing new to report. Gida got to play chatelaine with someone who wandered by our event and has an interest in modern archery.
Herald: working with Runa and her child on their armory stuff, so that’s fun.
Chronicler: nobody has submitted anything yet. Hint, hint.
Exchequer: we have money.
Archery: we had archery and thrown weapons at our event, despite the weather!
Event Wrap-up: We just got the deposit back on our event site today, all $100 back, so they were happy with the condition of the site. $321 dollars brought in with event donations. Juliana says the inn donations should cover her receipts, a little over $100 by her calculations. Had a couple new members in the Cedar Rapids area show up.
Gida is going to look into the Osage Event Center for bigger kingdom-level events, but we like Antique Acres for regular-size events.
St. Augustine’s Un-Faire in August? at the Church?
A&S Meeting: stamping next time. Bring your stamps and Gida will bring paint/ink. No A&S meeting in June because of Lilies. In July, watch the Richard III: King in the Car Park video.
Web Minister: William reports a little spam on his seneschal account, but not too bad. We note that the Kingdom Web Minister has taken over the email management so if it gets worse we’ll have to take it up with them.
Rune is going to be making a big move in the next couple of months, so we’ll have to make alternate arrangements to get the key (or get a different meeting site) at that point.