March 2024 Business Meeting

13 March, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Rune, Tatiana, Sifrid, Sofya, Gobban.

Seneschal: William Fletcher of Carbery has to step down. After discussion, we vote that Brigida von Muenchen should be the new Seneschal.

Key situation: Rune has talked to the Methodist folks and they would like us to turn in our physical key, and start using the keypad.

Archery: nothing new.

Chronicler: nothing new.

Herald: we have names, devices, etc. Gida is about ready to become “Monkshood Herald Extraordinary”.

A&S: Stasi sends a message that A&S this month will be on posaments (knotwork trim). We’re looking at April 27th for a Fabric-stamping/Sewing Party at the Park House, so be making your stamps and picking your fabric. There’s a suggestion to do more work days, which is totally doable. We tentatively plan for the fourth Saturday of the month.

Webminister: Rune’s paid membership has lapsed, so the deputy webminister’s membership will cover things.

August Event: Sofya will be event steward. Gida is going to be feast steward (Italian!). Stasi will be doing inn. The Reeve has already inquired about the initial paperwork to make the event legit, so Gida will work on that. She will also contact Villa Frumentaria and Axed Root about fighter support.

Recruiting: we need to keep working on that.