September 13th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: Juliana, William, Avelyn, Sifrid, Sofya, Gobban, Tatiana, Rune, Brigida, Berndt.
Seneschal: finally got his background check turned in.
MoY: getting her background check renewal going, too. Nothing new for the kids. Apparently the Kingdom officers are struggling to get their background checks done, too.
Chateleine: no new demos, our article hasn’t been published in the Globe Gazette yet. Any day now.
Web Minister: we have a webpage. We have noticed that lots of weird people “liking” our Facebook Page, but they can’t seem to do anything. We’ll double check our posting security settings.
Archery Marshal: we have bows and arrows and we love archery. About 8 archers showed up for archery at the event, about half were out of kingdom, so that was nice. Juliana reports that slings and atlatls are in the process of being added to the kingdom options. They’re still working on the plumbadas (Roman lawn darts).
Fighting: Magnus and Vim are coming up this weekend to have a fighter practice at Waverly at Gobban’s place 1308 2nd Ave SW at 2 pm. Bring meat to cook on Rune’s rocket stove.
Chronicler: sounds like there are lots of stories and officers reports to be submitted. Get them in.
Herald: we have names, devices, and some badges. We can always use more. Message me or Gida. Congratulations to Gida on being named a Herald Extraordinary. Gobban suggests a new tradition of playing kazoos for such occasions. Randall got his AoA.
Event Wrap-up: $214 went to site supplies, $633 feast and brought in $600. $1635 site fees. $273.90 event profit without the inn profit, so we vote to round it up to $275 and keep it for them, and pay off the bills. Kevin Rohan was their event steward. Todd Good is their seneschal.
Inn Wrap-up: inn spent $468.39 and brought in $595 = $126.61 profit to resupply the inn.
A&S this Month: the pouch with pockets inside. Making them for largesse for the Crown. Gida will share the directions around the time of the meeting and bring pattern pieces. Two fat quarters (or 1/4 yard) of complementary medium weight fabrics will make two good pouches. So bring fabric, drawstrings, trim ideas.
Rune is thinking of putting together a class on making brooms, maybe candlemaking.