August 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

28 August 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Juliana, Avelyn, Randall, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Gobban, Gwyn.

Deputy Web Minister: we vote to renew and think about registering a different name for a possible unofficial email forwarding

Event Wrap-Up

  • Gate: adult non-members, adult members, children, 1 royal = 62 people =
  • Feast: 36 people, income ~ $360 in, expenses $560.
  • Inn: income = $546.10 (includes feast left-over donations), expenses =
  • Final receipts: -$42.72 (assuming we get our deposit back)
  • Silent auction = $416
  • we had 11 archers and two fighters, 2 teachers, 3 A&S entries.
  • Suggestions for the future: plan for 45-48 for feast instead of 60, getting away from the separate removes, will also back off amount of food for inns, worked well to get on-site on Thurs for a small crew to have plenty of time to set up, great to have the rolling carts to get food to the feast hall.

Kingdom-level events

  • Coronation (July & February) vs. Queen’s Prize (April, no feast) vs. Kingdom A&S (September, no feast): Grafton vs. St. Paul’s
  • Northwood site – near the casino
  • North Iowa Fairgrounds
  • Floyd County Fairgrounds (Fair in July)
  • St. Pauls in Waverly
  • First Methodist Mason City
  • Music Man Square
  • Mason City Columbia Club
  • the new Best Western conference center in Clear Lake?
  • Ventura Community Center ($700/day, non-profit rate $250/day, $200 deposit, invitation only, alcohol if proof of insurance, no freezer/ice machine)
  • Marble Rock Community Center

August 2024 Business Meeting

14 August 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Berndt (awake >24 hrs), Juliana, Randal, Avelyn, Sofya, Sifrid, Brighid, Stasi, Gobban

Chateleine: nothing new, nothing going on.

Chronicler: submissions will be published some day.

Exchequer: Villa Frumentaria has their money, so not our responsibility any more.

A&S: we’ll be finishing the posament bracelets. And get the receipts in for event wrap-up, too.

Herald: we have names and device, and a couple in process.

Event Business:

  • Gida getting the keys tomorrow, ~3 pm, and will make sure we have a contact number for site issues, and check on when the park closes for fire monkey purposes. And Juliana and Stasi to start dropping stop off.
  • Friday unlock 9:30-10 am.
  • Stasi will get the seed money for troll.
  • Avelyn needs the bullying policy for Gate/Troll since the link on the Seneschal’s page doesn’t work. Sifrid has a copy from past events/programs.
  • Gobban has the feast tokens and Avelyn will bring leftover leather tokens to feast-free attendees.
  • Stasi is looking for regular-size muffin tins (bring to the event).
  • Inn totes need new carbon freshness cartridges: about $5 each x 5 totes. We vote to authorize $30 for Juliana to purchase.
  • Gida needs red/pink and yellow string/ribbon to mark the beverage pitchers. International Grocery in Rochester, MN, is a good source for rose water.
  • Tentative plan for feast serving – self-service since we don’t have enough bodies, except maybe someone topping off beverage pitchers.
  • Stasi to bring baskets for the royal goodies, bring donations to make HRM Magge feel welcome.
  • Bring games for the games table/area.
  • Juliana to bring table clothes to protect the preprint table. Bring paints if you have some.
  • Brighid to be fire monkey if we dare facilitate festivities in the park.

June 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

26 June 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Avelyn, Randall, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Gobban, Gwyn.

Seneschal – make sure you make your officer meetings at CalonCon. And the end of the quarter is nigh, so get your quarterly reports in.

A&S – July – more posaments. Project Day at the Park House will be a week early, on July 20th, because of a schedule conflict.

Treasurer – we have money in our account. Villa Frumentaria hasn’t established their own account, and will need more time with the flooding. So we still have their money.

Chronicler – send me articles.

Archery Marshal – we have wonderful bows and arrows.

Chatelaine – no new demos, no new members.

Herald – proper name for our newest Queen’s Yeoman, Nonahme.

Deputy Web minister: which officers now have official calontir emails? please check on those.

Event Planning: get Sofya your schedules. Competitions: Largesse Derby, best hat, fire-starter race, beverage competition/wine-tasting in the park, subtleties? Brigida has a tentative menu – posted. Archery: Avelyn will find the butts and the net poles for Gobban, and make sure they get to the event. Site tokens: 62 forged leaves (combo site & feast), use old leather tokens for those just doing site. Need donations for Royal Welcome Basket. Stasi can provide cots and bedding for royal crashing if need be.

May 2024 Business Meeting

8 May 2024, First Methodist Church

Attending: Avelyn, Berndt, Brigida, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Brighid

Arts and Sciences: posament bracelets this month. May 25th project party. Project day: Brigida got some stamping, Brighid did some Viking Wire weaving, Sofya/Brighid/Randall worked on heraldry.

Exchequer: Villa Frumentaria made about $750 with inn at Crown Tourney, and have turned in a little over $485.19 in receipts. We vote to approve the reimbursement.

Chronicler: nothing new. A quorum of articles with result in a Parade.

Herald: some good name and device work got done at the last project party for Randall and Brighid.

Archery: nothing new. He’s going to bring up some archery equipment to the next project day and head up to Lime Creek Archery range.

Chatelaine: nothing going on.

Project party: May 25th, working around the Bandfest Parade, soft close of State Street c. 8 am for the run/walk. Hard close for the Parade before 9 am so come up the back side from East Park.

Lilies Prep: Becca wants to camp with us so was wondering if the hill would be there. Villa Frumentaria camped in the old merchant area. Gobban and Gwyn and Juliana are camping in the trees between Queen’s Way and the new merchants. There is a Newcomer’s Glen roughly where the bardic tent used to be.

Event Planning: preliminary planning page on the Calontiri Wiki. Update your section at will: Feast budget: Gida will look into that.

New business: Gobban wants to know about hosting a kingdom level event again. Grafton would be barely okay for a Kingdom A&S/Queen’s Prize. The new Charles City venue would be good for a Crown Tourney vs Coronation ($1500?) vs Osage but the kitchen is set up for catering not feasting.

April 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

April 24th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Avelyn, Randall, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Brigid, Stasi, Gwyn and Gobban

Event Flyer has been submitted to the Mews, so our event will be official.

Archery: nothing new. The Kingdom Archery marshal wants tallies of participation of archery events, so Gobban is going to work on that. Avelyn and Randal are working on a thrown weapons range and archery range at their home for future practice.

Chatelaine: life has been a whirlwind. No new demos coming up.

Herald: we have names and devices and we have room for more!

Chronicler: he got the flyer done for the Mews. More submissions are always welcome.

Webminister: has strep.

Exchequer: we have money. We got Villa Frumentaria’s money for inn, over $700, so she’s working on getting their receipts and doing the reimbursement.

A&S: next month will be the posament bracelets. Iron chef competition at Deodar’s event in May. We have a request for an Intro to Leatherworking class (Juliana?). There is also the possiblity of a “Bookbinding by Brigid” class. And she has lots of old eggs for art projects and some info on Ukrainian eggs vs. other egg crafts.

Event Theme: “Eat, Drink and Shoot Pretty”. Brigida doing an Italian feast. Fundraiser ideas: silent auction vs. raffle vs. minimum bid. Stasi wants the Largesse Derby again. Maybe a non-alcoholic beverage competition? Subtleties? Other ideas.

March 2024 Business Meeting

13 March, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Rune, Tatiana, Sifrid, Sofya, Gobban.

Seneschal: William Fletcher of Carbery has to step down. After discussion, we vote that Brigida von Muenchen should be the new Seneschal.

Key situation: Rune has talked to the Methodist folks and they would like us to turn in our physical key, and start using the keypad.

Archery: nothing new.

Chronicler: nothing new.

Herald: we have names, devices, etc. Gida is about ready to become “Monkshood Herald Extraordinary”.

A&S: Stasi sends a message that A&S this month will be on posaments (knotwork trim). We’re looking at April 27th for a Fabric-stamping/Sewing Party at the Park House, so be making your stamps and picking your fabric. There’s a suggestion to do more work days, which is totally doable. We tentatively plan for the fourth Saturday of the month.

Webminister: Rune’s paid membership has lapsed, so the deputy webminister’s membership will cover things.

August Event: Sofya will be event steward. Gida is going to be feast steward (Italian!). Stasi will be doing inn. The Reeve has already inquired about the initial paperwork to make the event legit, so Gida will work on that. She will also contact Villa Frumentaria and Axed Root about fighter support.

Recruiting: we need to keep working on that.

December 2023 Business Meeting

13 December 2023, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: William, Juliana, Randall, Tatiana, Avelyn, Stasi, Sofya, Brigid, Sifrid, Gobban, Gwynhwyvar.

Chatelaine: We have someone new to the Shire, Brigid (once upon a time in Le Grande Tente)! No new demos. Not sure if there’s anything going on with Hampton school, esp. since we don’t have fighters to put on a show.

MoY: no word on her background check yet.

A&S: she delivered the largesse at Kris Kinder: 11 jewelry bag, multiple cordages, box of “thank you” cards, some of Stasi’s jewelry pieces, needle boards, 2-3 of Juliana’s snips with cases. Ideas for future meetings… ? Brigid does Viking Wire Weaving, Card Weaving, Bookbinding, Charcoal-making, Herbalism… We agree to cancels this month’s A&S meeting because of the holidays.

Chronicler: we need articles.

Webminister: we have a website. He will try to remember his password to post updates.

Exchequer: we have money. Villa Frumentaria sent us their demo money, and Crown Tourney Inn money. We need to approve their expenditures with receipts.

Herald: almost everyone has names and devices.

Archery: we have bows, arrows, axes and knives. Mohawk Archery is doing their 3D shoot again this year, but William is trying to figure out how to get a winter shoot there anyway.

Holiday Party: February 10th at about 6 pm at Sifrid and Sofya’s Dacha on State Street; potluck food, festive garb, optional ~$15 gift exchange.

Social Media Officer: Ronan le Sauvage of Villa Frumentaria volunteers to be our Social Media officer. He likes doing marketing stuff. We are agreeable.

November 2023 Business Meeting

November 8th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: William, Juliana, Avelyn, Sifrid, Sofya, Brigida, Berndt.

Chateleine: no new demos, no new plans from the new Kingdom Chateleine.

MoY: they are working on her background check, but she hasn’t heard from them in the promised time interval.

Exchequer: she assures us that we still have money, even though the Kingdom is a little confused about how long she’s had her warrant.

Herald: we have names, we have devices. Gida has ideas.

Chronicler: hoping for a newsletter in January.

October 2023 Business Meeting

11 October 2023, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: William, Juliana, Gida, Berndt, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Gwyn, Gobban.

Chateleine: no new demos, waiting to hear from the Kingdom Chateleine.

Minister of Youth: finally got the paperwork to renew her background check sent it.

Arts & Sciences: she heard back from the new royal chamberlain. They are looking for thank-you cards. So Stasi has some blank cards/envelopes and is going to print out some royal images to paste on. We vote to reimburse her for reasonable expenses. Bring papercutters, other such supplies. She says they also requested craft starter kits, trim, needle books, cording, soaps, children’s largesse (tic-tac-toe/game bags, baby dragons, coloring half-sheets, puzzles, finger/stick puppets, pony bead/cord kits), sewing weights for patterns. Gida wonders about bookmarks, blank borders. Double seal anything food or fragrant. Stasi is going to try to get to Kingdom A&S so we should get her anything we’ve already made to send with her to that.

Chronicler: if enough articles, will publish.

Herald: we have names and devices and badges. Somebody needs an heraldic title, probably a German locative.

Archery: nothing new. We apparently have a new marshal report system, which is being a challenge. His email isn’t being recognized.

Social Media Officer: someone claiming to the Kingdom Social Media Officer asked to join our FB group which was approved, but then demanded admin priviledges on Facebook. We are concerned and think the request needs to come through official channels.