April 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

April 24th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Avelyn, Randall, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Brigid, Stasi, Gwyn and Gobban

Event Flyer has been submitted to the Mews, so our event will be official.

Archery: nothing new. The Kingdom Archery marshal wants tallies of participation of archery events, so Gobban is going to work on that. Avelyn and Randal are working on a thrown weapons range and archery range at their home for future practice.

Chatelaine: life has been a whirlwind. No new demos coming up.

Herald: we have names and devices and we have room for more!

Chronicler: he got the flyer done for the Mews. More submissions are always welcome.

Webminister: has strep.

Exchequer: we have money. We got Villa Frumentaria’s money for inn, over $700, so she’s working on getting their receipts and doing the reimbursement.

A&S: next month will be the posament bracelets. Iron chef competition at Deodar’s event in May. We have a request for an Intro to Leatherworking class (Juliana?). There is also the possiblity of a “Bookbinding by Brigid” class. And she has lots of old eggs for art projects and some info on Ukrainian eggs vs. other egg crafts.

Event Theme: “Eat, Drink and Shoot Pretty”. Brigida doing an Italian feast. Fundraiser ideas: silent auction vs. raffle vs. minimum bid. Stasi wants the Largesse Derby again. Maybe a non-alcoholic beverage competition? Subtleties? Other ideas.