September 2022 Business Meeting Notes

September 14th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: William, Juliana, Brigida, Berndt, Avelyn, Zina, Sifrid, Sofya

Event Planning: Our traditional weekend is already reserved at Grafton. Maybe the weekend after since we never go to Cattle Raids anyway. We suggest William check on that. Brigida confirms as Feast Steward. Sofya confirms as Event Steward.

Chatelaine: nothing new, nothing much going on for activities.

Archery: no one got hurt at the event, everyone wanted to free shoot, nobody lost their arrows. Similar for the thrown weapons.

Exchequer: we have a little more money, reports were sent on time.

Chronicler: if we want a newsletter, get articles in. Include Lilies stuff.

Herald: we have names and devices and some new awards!

Deputy Webminister: Our domain was renewed for the year.