
Hillians listed with a shire email (if available), their interests, service, device and awards. Please let us know if something should be changed.

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Aemiliana Bourtzina 
Period: Byzantine – [SCA since 2015?]
Interests: costuming
Altana Khulan 
Period: researching it – [SCA since 2007?]
Anastasia da Carrara 
(Anastasia of Heraldshill) 
Italian Ren – [SCA since 2000]
Interests: caligraphy, garb, food, everything
Service: Seneschal x2, Chirurgeon, Feast Steward x3, Hall Steward, Autocrat
AoA-Simple 2002-Jun-13 (as Anastasia of Heraldshill)
Torse 2007-May-05
Leather Mallet 2009-Aug-29 cooking
Cross of Calontir 2023-March-16
Ansgar Cristernsen
(Ansgar Christensen, Angar Christensen)
11th Century Danish – [SCA since 1994]
Interests: heavy combat, brewing 
Service: Co-Autocrat, Fighter Marshal 
AoA-Simple 1998-May-02
Torse 1999-Oct-03
Iren-Fyrd 2000-Jul-01 
Leather Mallet 2001-Sep-29 brewing
Torse 2004-Aug-28
Iren-Hirth 2005-Feb-18
Avelyn Carbery 
Period: English – [SCA since 2015?]
Interests: archery
AoA-Simple 2017-August-19
Boga-Fyrd 2017-August-19
Torse 2022-August-20
Berndt der Kühne 
12th Century German – [SCA since 1985]
Interests: combat, archery, brewing and vinting, leather working
Service: Fighter Marshal of the Field, Herald, Autocrat
AoA-Simple 1999-Oct-03
Brighid Eilifrsdo’ttir (Ella Fern, Brighid Ellafern)
Norse – [SCA since 36 years ago: Atlantia ->Meridies/Glen Abhean -> Calontir]
Interests: weaving, vintning, bookbinding, storytelling
Service: feast steward, troll/gate, youth, etc.
AOA-Simple 1999-October-15 (Meridies)
Azure, a winged wolf wings displayed rampant argent.
Brigida von München 
12th Century German – [SCA since 1985]
Interests: weaving, archery, brewing, pewter, embroidery, etc.
Service: Kingdom Exchequer, Saker Herald, Dpty Kingdom Seneschal, Archery Marshal, etc.
AOA-Simple 1996-Oct-19 
Torse 1998-May-09 
Cross of Calontir 2002-Mar-09 
Boga-Fyrd 2004-Jun-18
Leather Mallet 2004-August-20 weaving
Pelican 2017-November-11
Darragh Oc “the Young”
Period: Irish – [SCA since 2020]
Interests: eating
Gabraelah of Heraldshill (Missy) 
French? – [SCA since 2000]
Interests: combat
Service: waterbearing.
Gobbán Mac Roibeáird 
Scottish – [SCA since 2012]
Interests: chain mail, blacksmithing
Service: feast server, Archery Marshal-In-Training
AoA-Simple 2013-August-17
Boga-Fyrd 2017-August-19
Gwynhwyvar Clemettes
Welsh – [SCA since 2012]
Interests: archery, costuming
Service: Youth activities
AoA-Simple 2016-Nov-12
Hans Sebastian Bamberger
German – [SCA since 2009]
Interests: mead, bard-itry, calligraphy, painting, leatherworking
Service: cook’s assistant, feast server
AoA-Simple 2013-August-17
Juliana Macnayre 
Scottish/English – [SCA since 2000]
Interests: throwing sharp pointy things, juggling, archery, canvas work
Service: Seneschal, Archery Marshal, Chatelaine, Inn Steward x many
AoA-Simple 2004-Aug-28
Torse 2005-Sep-24
Boga Fyrd 2010-Mar-17
Leather Mallet 2010-Sep-11 canvas work
Golden Calon Swan 2012-May-05 illumination
Boga Hirth 2013-Sep-07
Calon Cross 2017-Jun-14
Pelican 2019-Nov-02
Jutte Roose van der Brugghe 
(Royse Meingnes, Aeden Menzies)
1456 Flemish [SCA since 2005]
Interests: fiber, wire weaving, stained glass, garb, storytelling, bookbinding .
Service: Seneschal, Voice/Field Herald
AoA-Simple 2007-Sept-15 (as Royse Meingnes)
Golden Calon Swan 2012-Mar-15 costuming (as Royse Meingnes)
Torse 2016-Nov-12
Kaie of Blakwode
(Kaie of Blakwode Tor, Ki Elan Norrys) 
13th Century English – [SCA since 1994]
Interests: heavy combat, equestrian arts, costuming, cooking 
Service: Founding Seneschal, Equestrian Marshal, Autocrat, MoAS, Web Minister, Chatelaine, Feast
AoA-Simple 1996-Oct-19 
Torse 1998-May-02 
Golden Calon Swan 2003-Aug-23
Eo Fyrd 2013-Aug-17
Period: Researching – [SCA since 2015?]
Falcon’s Claw 2019-November-2
Randall Beaumont
Period: Anglo-Norman? – [SCA since 2019]
Interests: drawing, illumination
AoA-Simple 2023-Aug-19
Renee Lejeune
Period: French? Italian? – [SCA since 2017]
Interests: eating
Rune Odinsson 
Period: – [SCA since 2017]
Interests: writing
Service: Webminister
AoA-Simple 2022-August-20
Saerlaith ingen Chaicher 
Period: – [SCA since 1994]
Sifrid von Eichelborn 
14th Century German – [SCA since 2003]
Interests: archery, military history
Service: Chronicler, Royal Liason, cook’s assistant
AoA-Simple 2006-Jun-11
Torse 2009-Sept-12
Sofya la Rus 
14th Century Russian – [SCA since 1997]
Interests: garb, medicine, combat, all things Russian
Service: Habicht Herald, Shire Herald, Wiki Witch, Web Minister/Deputy, Event Steward, Deputy Chronicler
AoA-Simple 2005-Jun-19
Willow 2006-Jan-21 [Midrealm arts – “oops”, ask Master Mordak]
Leather Mallet 2007-Jul-21 Russian studies
Silver Hammer 2008-Sep-13 Russian studies
Laurel 2009-Sep-12
Torse 2010-July-17
Cross of Calontir 2014-November-15
Pelican 2023-March-16
Tatiana Rose 
Period: researching it – [SCA since 2017]
Interests: constuming
Thomas MacGregor
1200s Scottish – [SCA since 2000]
Interests: vinting.
Service: Grill Steward
Thórir mac Thore
Period: 10th Cent. Danish/Scottish – [SCA since 2008]
Interests: carpentry, food, merchanting
AoA-Simple 2017-Aug-19
Tiernan Oc “the Young”
Period: Irish – [SCA since 2019]
Interests: eating
William Fletcher of Carbery 
14th Century Irish/Scottish – [SCA since 2000]
Interests: archery, fletching, vinting, wire weaving
Service: Archery Marshal, Boga Fyrd Captain
AoA-Simple 2006-June-17
Boga Fyrd 2007-June-13
Leather Mallet 2008-June-15 – vinting
Boga Hirth 2012-March-17
Torse 2013-August-17
Calon Cross 2016-Sept-10
Silver Hammer 2017-Mar-16
Pelican 2019-Nov-02
Zina Pevstova 
Period: Russian – [SCA since 2015?]
Interests: archery
Queen’s Chalice 2017-August-19
Falcon’s Claw 2017-August-19

Hillians At-Large – adopted and former Hillians.