Rank and Regalia in Calontir

We are a friendly, easy-going Kingdom with few sumptuary laws. See the now-outdated Calontir Kingdom Law to get an introduction. We also have many “stealth peers” (lord and ladies of high rank who do not display obvious symbols of their status).

Courtesy toward all is valued highly in the SCA, and includes treating others with the respect due their rank, even if they aren’t demanding such respect by their appearance or actions.

If you don’t know someone’s rank, “My Lord” or “My Lady” is an appropriate default form of address. If you know someone is of high rank, but you can’t remember exactly how high, “Your Excellency” is a good guess. If they’re wearing a big, shiny “crown”, bow as they go by. See below for further details.

“Your Majesty” and bow as they approach or pass.
Gold crown with points all around, and calon crosses (there are a couple of different sets for Their Majesties to choose from).
Crown Prince/Princess
“Your Highness” and bow as they approach or pass.
Silver crown with a high point in front
Duke/Duchess – have been King or Queen 2 or more times.
“Your Grace” and bow as they approach or pass.
Gold coronet with strawberry leaves (not necessarily made of metal)
Count/Countess – have been King or Queen once.
“Your Excellency” and bow as they approach or pass.
Gold coronet embattled (not necessarily made of metal)
Viscount/Viscountess – former Territorial Prince/Princess.
“Your Excellency” and bow as they approach or pass.
Silver coronet embattled (not necessarily made of metal)
Territorial Baron/Baroness – rule a barony
“Your Excellency” and bow as they approach or pass.
Gold coronet with six spheroids (often large pearls)
Court Baron/Baroness – awarded at the pleasure of the Crown, often after service as a Territorial Baron or Baroness
“Your Excellency” and bow as they approach or pass.
Silver coronet with six spheroid, often large pearls, (not necessarily made of metal)
Knight – Patent of Arms for the Chivalry
“Sir” (so far, all of our female nights have chosen “Sir” rather than “Dame”)
Unadorned (usually heavy, often gold) chain, white belt, spurs.
Master/Mistress of Arms – Patent of Arms for the Chivalry
“Master” or “Mistress”
White baldric and spurs
Laurel – Patent of Arms for Arts & Sciences
“Master” or “Mistress”
Medalion with green laurel wreath, a laurel wreath “coronet”
Pelican – Patent of Arms for Service
“Master” or “Mistress”.
Medalion with pelican in her piety, a chapeau (ermine-trimmed red cap).Any of the above Peers (Chivalry, Laurel or Pelican) may also wear a simple gold or silver circlet no more than 1 inch in height, with no potrusions.
Master of Defense – Patent of Arms for Rapier/Cut & Thrust Fighting
“Master” or “Mistress”
White collar of maintenance
Medalion with three rapiers/swords crossed/meeting at the tips
Grant of Arms – i.e. simple GoA, or member of Orders of the Boga or Iren Hirth (Huscarl), Calon Lily, Silver Hammer, or Cross of Calontir
“Your Lordship” or “Your Ladyship”
Names written as “HL Name” as in “His Lordship Ansgar”
Emblem of the Order they belong to, if any.
Grant of Arms – i.e. simple GoA, or member of Orders of the Boga or Iren Hirth (Huscarl), Calon Lily, Silver Hammer, or Cross of Calontir
“Your Lordship” or “Your Ladyship”
Names written as “HL Name” as in “His Lordship Ansgar”
Emblem of the Order they belong to, if any.
Award of Arms – i.e. simple AoA, or member of Orders of the Boga or Iren Fyrd(Huscarl), Golden Calon Swan, Leather Mallet, or Torse
“Lord” or “Lady”
Names written as “Lord/Lady Name” as in “Lord Johan”
Emblem of the Order they belong to, if any.
Everyone Else
“My Lord” or “My Lady”
May wear simple, unadorned metal coronets no more than 1/2 inch wide. Should not wear anything that might imply the above ranks.
Other More-or-Less Reserved Items:
Red belts – worn by squires (training to be Knights), squires do not wear spurs in Calontir
Green belts – worn by apprentices (training to be Laurels)
Yellow belts – worn by protege (training to be Pelicans)
Steel circlets – blackened steel if for the Champion of Calontir, brushed steel is for the Queen’s Champion
Ermine – reserved for the Royal Family and Peers of the Realm
Wreath of roses – reserved for Ladies of the Rose (former Queens)
Gold Chains bearing Badge of Orders – reserved for those who have sworn fealty

It will be helpful to read The Awards of Calontir (first published in Tournaments Illuminated) and SCA Etiquette (from the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui’s Newcomer’s guide).

Other Kingdoms have somewhat different ranks and traditions. Title, Precedence, Forms of Address, and Regalia has some nice information about ranks and titles.