10 March 2021, Zoom meeting
Chatelaine: we have no events and no demos yet with Covid-19.
Exchequer: we have no new transactions.
Chronicler: there still isn’t anything to publish.
Web Minister: we have a website and it is working as far as he knows.
Archery Marshal: we have arrows and we have bows. And we are sure that everyone checked their tips as recommended last visit. William is still looking for a spot/date to get us an indoor winter shoot.
Herald: Gida’s punny badge is still in proofreading at Laurel, hopefully to be published in a month or two. The Virtual Heralds Point was a great success with approx. 80 heralds helping around 300 clients with about 600 submissions from around the Known World. We’re hoping to do it again later this year.
Geneva event site – still not getting back to us about details and fees, but working on it.