9 February, First United Methodist Church
Attending: William, Juliana, Gobban, Rune, Tatiana, Sophia, Ben, Sifrid, Sofya.
Chatelaine: no news of demos, not going to worry about Hampton school this year.
MOY: going to help at Page School at Gulf Wars.
Herald: we have lots of room for new heraldry.
Chronicler: he hasn’t gotten enough submissions for a newsletter yet
Web Minister: our website is up, the officer emails have been transitioned to kingdom control.
Archery: no news on the indoor archery shoot this winter yet, hoping for the 20th but hasn’t heard back yet. We have bows and arrows – make sure your arrow tips are secure and reset.
Next month’s business meeting would be while people are traveling to Gulf Wars, so we vote to combine it with the A&S meeting.
Next month’s A&S will be carving fabric stamps. The one after will be stamping with the stamps.
Possible site: Antique Acres by Janesville? Their Power Weekend would be the weekend of our event.