August 9th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: William, Juliana, Brigida, Stasi, Avelyn, Sifrid, Sofya, Gobban
Chateleine: At your next A&S meeting will be the lady from the Globe Gazette coming to interview, so wear garb, bring a good project to work on, show off, etc.
Herald: we have names and heraldry. We can now pay with PayPal to go with emailed submissions.
Chronicler: have articles, will publish.
Archery: we have bows and arrows, axes, knives and spears. Archery is great! We need to bring the safety nets for the shady spot we’ve now picked since doing it in the arena on cement meant no way to mount our targets there. Might want the caution tape/ropes.
Exchequer: we have money, the amount that we’re supposed to.
Arts & Sciences: she wants to know if we got any cording done. Apparently we ate too much cheese, pickeled vegetables, etc. to get much done. Gida taught someone HOW to make cording with inkle weaving. See Chateleine report for the August meeting plan. September meeting: Gida’s pouches? (bring ~1 ft squares of fabric).
Web Minister: not present.
Event Business: we get to use the food stands! Refrigerators! sinks? one stove? But they want to charge extra for the show arena with the big fan – extra $100. Might be C&T there, too! Other issues, is the distance from the camping to the flushies, so they will be getting a handicap-accessible port-a-pottie, $214 (they’re waiving the $50 delivery fee). We vote to approve the additional expense. Site opens for set-up at 10 am on Friday, we think. Torquil Macgruder.