13 December 2023, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: William, Juliana, Randall, Tatiana, Avelyn, Stasi, Sofya, Brigid, Sifrid, Gobban, Gwynhwyvar.
Chatelaine: We have someone new to the Shire, Brigid (once upon a time in Le Grande Tente)! No new demos. Not sure if there’s anything going on with Hampton school, esp. since we don’t have fighters to put on a show.
MoY: no word on her background check yet.
A&S: she delivered the largesse at Kris Kinder: 11 jewelry bag, multiple cordages, box of “thank you” cards, some of Stasi’s jewelry pieces, needle boards, 2-3 of Juliana’s snips with cases. Ideas for future meetings… ? Brigid does Viking Wire Weaving, Card Weaving, Bookbinding, Charcoal-making, Herbalism… We agree to cancels this month’s A&S meeting because of the holidays.
Chronicler: we need articles.
Webminister: we have a website. He will try to remember his password to post updates.
Exchequer: we have money. Villa Frumentaria sent us their demo money, and Crown Tourney Inn money. We need to approve their expenditures with receipts.
Herald: almost everyone has names and devices.
Archery: we have bows, arrows, axes and knives. Mohawk Archery is doing their 3D shoot again this year, but William is trying to figure out how to get a winter shoot there anyway.
Holiday Party: February 10th at about 6 pm at Sifrid and Sofya’s Dacha on State Street; potluck food, festive garb, optional ~$15 gift exchange.
Social Media Officer: Ronan le Sauvage of Villa Frumentaria volunteers to be our Social Media officer. He likes doing marketing stuff. We are agreeable.