June 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

26 June 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Avelyn, Randall, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Gobban, Gwyn.

Seneschal – make sure you make your officer meetings at CalonCon. And the end of the quarter is nigh, so get your quarterly reports in.

A&S – July – more posaments. Project Day at the Park House will be a week early, on July 20th, because of a schedule conflict.

Treasurer – we have money in our account. Villa Frumentaria hasn’t established their own account, and will need more time with the flooding. So we still have their money.

Chronicler – send me articles.

Archery Marshal – we have wonderful bows and arrows.

Chatelaine – no new demos, no new members.

Herald – proper name for our newest Queen’s Yeoman, Nonahme.

Deputy Web minister: which officers now have official calontir emails? please check on those.

Event Planning: get Sofya your schedules. Competitions: Largesse Derby, best hat, fire-starter race, beverage competition/wine-tasting in the park, subtleties? Brigida has a tentative menu – posted. Archery: Avelyn will find the butts and the net poles for Gobban, and make sure they get to the event. Site tokens: 62 forged leaves (combo site & feast), use old leather tokens for those just doing site. Need donations for Royal Welcome Basket. Stasi can provide cots and bedding for royal crashing if need be.