October 23rd, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Juliana, Stasi, Sifrid, Sofya, Brighid, Scott, Gobban, and Gwyn.
Kingdom Event Options: Brigida has a couple more sites to check on (Big Four Fairgrounds). Best Western is just a small ballroom and would cost $3,000. First Methodist Church in Mason City would be $100 for the sanctuary, $15 per classroom, $50 for the Fellowship Hall (with the kitchen), and they no longer have Saturday activities for us to work to have to around. St. Paul’s in Waverly would be about $150 parish hall, $25 center of ministry, $400 narthex, but they have church on Saturday night (but only about 20 people would show up). Kingdom A&S would be in September. (What about ETOH? enough tables and chairs?)
Exchequer: not present. We discuss a successor for Avelyn Carbery as Exchequer. We vote unanimously to approve Gwynhwyvar Clemettes (Rebecca MacRobie) to take over as Exchequer.