12 April 2023; First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: William, Juliana, Stasi, Gida, Berndt, Sofya, Sifrid, Gobban, Gwyn
Chatelaine: no new demos.
MoY: haven’t heard from Kingdom if our background checks have expired yet.
Herald: we have some promotions from Gulf Wars, we have new combined A&S orders that will need new names and badges, so if you have ideas, please send them to the Kingdom A&S Officer.
Deputy Webminister: we have a webpage, no major changes. The Calontiri Wiki may be going official.
Archery: we have bows and arrows. Some of us have things to throw. The newly retired want archery practices. William sees that Mohawk archery range is mostly shooting on Sundays.
Chronicler: we’ll have an issue when we have enough submissions.
Sewing party:
Upcoming Events:
Sewing Party: since the Osage site is booked, we’ll have the sewing/project party at the Park House on May 20th-21st. Potluck food, garb optional, crash space available.
Deodar games event May 13th, no archery except thrown weapons. Stasi has offered to do inn, if the other option falls through.