August 2019 Meeting Notes

Hy-Vee East Meeting Room
14 August 2019
Attending:  Tatiana, Jon, Ben, Sophie, Juliana, William, Avelyn, Nonahme, Sifrid, Sheri, Sofya, Stasi, Jutte


Nothing new

Vincent asked about us helping with a noon inn at the Axed Root event November 2nd.  Juliana and Stasi are interested.


We had some fun at National Night Out was August 6th on Tuesday at the Fairground – had a nice shady spot, and we’re lusting after Vincent’s tables.


Nothing new.


The accounts are the same.


Last month’s Roman tunica class (male and female) turned out to be very timely – we just found out next Lilies is a Roman theme

August A&S meeting – play with something inspired by Vincent’s activity kits?

Fighter Marshal:

position vacant

Archery Marshal:

Nothing new. 


Next issue in October – please send stuff.  He has a couple of pictures for the Demo.


We have re-submissions sent in for William (being decided) and Stasi (in commentary at Laurel).

Web Minister:

Our web hosting and domain name both expire in September. 

We are moving hosting to the kingdom server keeping the name

The process is well underway including the conversion to a WordPress site that “anyone” can edit, although it’s a bit on hold until after the Un-Faire

The Shire email forwarding will be managed by G-suite via the Kingdom, more details to come.

Since I’ve been fired along with all other group web ministers who have served more than 2 years, I need a replacement…

Upcoming Events:

St. Augustine’s Un-Faire – Sofya

3 bedrooms claimed for crash space, 1-2 tents planned so far…
Free.  But will have Troll sign-in sheets for liability purpose. 
Donation jar for runzas, garbage, inn supplies.
Encourage to bring feast gear, camp chairs. 

  • Lunch – runzas, plus potluck grazing, leftover cannister of lemonade, lingonberry concentrate.  Encourage feast gear (with backup paper products)
  • Supper – results of outdoor cooking, Stasi (pork roast, chicken a la Stasi, Morrocan lamb, spiced beef, parsnips & carrots, plus beer bread?) and Juliana (pottage, fruit compote, other?) cooking outside for supper. 
  • Outdoor Cooking Demos by Stasi, Juliana, Jutte and Gida
  • Amon coming with 3 stations for lamp working stuff. 
  • Vincent – activity kits Leather molding?
  • Silk banner painting (Juliana to make sure the resist is okay)? 
  • Pre-print painting?  Fabric dying/printing?  Other?

Raise the Dragon!

Off-site archery Avelyn, William – 2 pm-ish carpool off-site at Lime Creek
Fighting can happen if people need to fight.

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