August 2024 Business/A&S Meeting

28 August 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA

Attending: Brigida, Berndt, Juliana, Avelyn, Randall, Sifrid, Sofya, Stasi, Gobban, Gwyn.

Deputy Web Minister: we vote to renew and think about registering a different name for a possible unofficial email forwarding

Event Wrap-Up

  • Gate: adult non-members, adult members, children, 1 royal = 62 people =
  • Feast: 36 people, income ~ $360 in, expenses $560.
  • Inn: income = $546.10 (includes feast left-over donations), expenses =
  • Final receipts: -$42.72 (assuming we get our deposit back)
  • Silent auction = $416
  • we had 11 archers and two fighters, 2 teachers, 3 A&S entries.
  • Suggestions for the future: plan for 45-48 for feast instead of 60, getting away from the separate removes, will also back off amount of food for inns, worked well to get on-site on Thurs for a small crew to have plenty of time to set up, great to have the rolling carts to get food to the feast hall.

Kingdom-level events

  • Coronation (July & February) vs. Queen’s Prize (April, no feast) vs. Kingdom A&S (September, no feast): Grafton vs. St. Paul’s
  • Northwood site – near the casino
  • North Iowa Fairgrounds
  • Floyd County Fairgrounds (Fair in July)
  • St. Pauls in Waverly
  • First Methodist Mason City
  • Music Man Square
  • Mason City Columbia Club
  • the new Best Western conference center in Clear Lake?
  • Ventura Community Center ($700/day, non-profit rate $250/day, $200 deposit, invitation only, alcohol if proof of insurance, no freezer/ice machine)
  • Marble Rock Community Center

August 2024 Business Meeting

14 August 2024, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa

Attending: Brigida, Berndt (awake >24 hrs), Juliana, Randal, Avelyn, Sofya, Sifrid, Brighid, Stasi, Gobban

Chateleine: nothing new, nothing going on.

Chronicler: submissions will be published some day.

Exchequer: Villa Frumentaria has their money, so not our responsibility any more.

A&S: we’ll be finishing the posament bracelets. And get the receipts in for event wrap-up, too.

Herald: we have names and device, and a couple in process.

Event Business:

  • Gida getting the keys tomorrow, ~3 pm, and will make sure we have a contact number for site issues, and check on when the park closes for fire monkey purposes. And Juliana and Stasi to start dropping stop off.
  • Friday unlock 9:30-10 am.
  • Stasi will get the seed money for troll.
  • Avelyn needs the bullying policy for Gate/Troll since the link on the Seneschal’s page doesn’t work. Sifrid has a copy from past events/programs.
  • Gobban has the feast tokens and Avelyn will bring leftover leather tokens to feast-free attendees.
  • Stasi is looking for regular-size muffin tins (bring to the event).
  • Inn totes need new carbon freshness cartridges: about $5 each x 5 totes. We vote to authorize $30 for Juliana to purchase.
  • Gida needs red/pink and yellow string/ribbon to mark the beverage pitchers. International Grocery in Rochester, MN, is a good source for rose water.
  • Tentative plan for feast serving – self-service since we don’t have enough bodies, except maybe someone topping off beverage pitchers.
  • Stasi to bring baskets for the royal goodies, bring donations to make HRM Magge feel welcome.
  • Bring games for the games table/area.
  • Juliana to bring table clothes to protect the preprint table. Bring paints if you have some.
  • Brighid to be fire monkey if we dare facilitate festivities in the park.