January 11th, 2023; First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: Juliana, William, Brigida, Avelyn, Randall, Sofya, Sifrid, Gwyn, Gobban.
Chatelaine: nothing new going on.
Herald: we have stuff, there’s room for more.
Webminister (seneschal): our old emails no longer work, so officers will have to set up new Google emails through the Seneschal
Exchequer: we have money.
Archery: we have bows and arrows. Winter shoot still in the works pending the archery club finishing their 3D shoots, etc. maybe sneak something in later this month on a Sunday. Be sure to reset your tips for the year.
Chronicler: he has some entries for the Parade, so get your last-minutes stuff in. And officer reports.
A&S Meeting: this month – video on the finding of Richard III’s body in a parking lot. Was the Tudor villain really a hunchback?
Holiday Party: February 4th at 6 pm, at Park House, potluck, festive garb, bring a $10-20 SCA-ish gift for the gift exchange.