22 March 2023; First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: William, Juliana, Avelyn, Randall, Stasi, Sifrid, Sofya, Gida, Gobban, Gwyn
Sewing Party: Maybe April 22nd? Gida will check on the reservation.
Movie time: Richard III
22 March 2023; First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: William, Juliana, Avelyn, Randall, Stasi, Sifrid, Sofya, Gida, Gobban, Gwyn
Sewing Party: Maybe April 22nd? Gida will check on the reservation.
Movie time: Richard III
8 February 2023, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: Brigida, William, Juliana, Stasi, Sifrid, Sofya, Gwyn, Gobban
Chatelaine: there’s an opportunity to do a demo at Rod Con at UNI on April 1st. Juliana will look into details.
Archery: we have bows and arrows. Indoor winter shoot has to wait until the big archery club indoor shoot is done this month.
Chronicler: we will have a newsletter eventually. Soon.
Exchequer: not present. No major budget changes.
Herald: we have names and devices.
A&S: we decided not to vote Stasi back into the office at her first meeting back from retirement. Next meeting will be the video about finding Richard III.
Event News: we have our site reserved for 2024 and they were so happy with us, they’re not requiring a deposit. The 4th weekend this year is still available, but we think we want to stick with the Unfaire on the 3rd weekend.
January 11th, 2023; First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: Juliana, William, Brigida, Avelyn, Randall, Sofya, Sifrid, Gwyn, Gobban.
Chatelaine: nothing new going on.
Herald: we have stuff, there’s room for more.
Webminister (seneschal): our old emails no longer work, so officers will have to set up new Google emails through the Seneschal
Exchequer: we have money.
Archery: we have bows and arrows. Winter shoot still in the works pending the archery club finishing their 3D shoots, etc. maybe sneak something in later this month on a Sunday. Be sure to reset your tips for the year.
Chronicler: he has some entries for the Parade, so get your last-minutes stuff in. And officer reports.
A&S Meeting: this month – video on the finding of Richard III’s body in a parking lot. Was the Tudor villain really a hunchback?
Holiday Party: February 4th at 6 pm, at Park House, potluck, festive garb, bring a $10-20 SCA-ish gift for the gift exchange.
9 November 2022, First Methodist Church, Mason City, Iowa
Attending: William, Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Avelyn, Brigida, Berndt, Gobban, Gwynhwyvar
MOY: She went to her first CalonCon in years. We have an enthusiastic new Kingdom MoY, although the attendance was light for the meeting, so a good chance for rebuilding.
Chateleine: no new demos. No new plans.
Chronicler: no submissions = no newsletter.
Herald: no new submissions.
Deputy Web Minister: they want all group pages to be transitioning to hosting on the calontir web hosting, and all officers to transition to calontir email addresses.
Exchequer: we have money. CalonCon was boring.
Archery Marshal: he loves his pouch. We have bows and arrows. The Archery Marshal Handbook is being updated (Juliana helping), and there is going to be a new report format.
A&S: no meetings in November or December because of the holidays.
Event Sites: Grafton Community Center would work for a Queen’s Prize – community room for judges, and old office for privy chamber, but already booked for our August date. Rock Falls Fun Days is also our weekend. Charles City Fairgrounds – still can’t reserve the whole site. Carpenter Community Center – Gida will check on that and their kitchen situation. Northwood Fairgrounds reasonable price – need to make sure it’s exclusive use, alcohol only if it’s free.
Possible Joint Event Site: Oneota Lodge County Park in Clay County – log building, kitchen, large open grounds, $175/day = Spring Fling?
Holiday Party – Juliana needs to put her time in, so… February 4th at the Sifrid and Sofya’s Dacha.
12 October 2022, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending in Person: Juliana, Sifrid, Sofya, Gwyn, Gobban, TT. Virtually: William, Torquil, Jory, Camden, Ronin.
Chatelaine: There isn’t much for demos. She’s going to see if Hampton wants to get demos going again. We have a new member at the meeting tonight.
Chronicler: He didn’t get any articles for the Parade, so he’ll take what he can get when he gets it.
Archery Marshall: we have bows and arrows. William will start thinking about the annual indoor archery shoot.
Exchequer: resting at home after flu shot.
Herald: Villa Frumentaria submitted a bunch of stuff at Coronation.
Webminister: seneschal has been bothered about the quarterly reports that we didn’t know we were supposed to be doing. Nor reporting to the Kingdom Social Media Officer.
Old business: none.
A&S Meeting: Juliana has an interesting leather pouch pattern we can start on and finish them at home. And we can watch a video on Richard III or Jacobean farming (Tales from the Green Valley) while we work.
2023 Event Dates: Grafton is free from 25-27 (against Cattle Raids). And we can book our usual dates for 2024 right now. We don’t know if it would be available on Melon Wars weekend or if that weekend is free.
We discuss with the Villa Frumentaria group options for a new interkingdom Armageddon-style event in the spring.
We also discuss demos and getting the Le Grand Tente area going again to fill that gap in the state. Jory says she is bored and wants to set up demos.
September 14th, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: William, Juliana, Brigida, Berndt, Avelyn, Zina, Sifrid, Sofya
Event Planning: Our traditional weekend is already reserved at Grafton. Maybe the weekend after since we never go to Cattle Raids anyway. We suggest William check on that. Brigida confirms as Feast Steward. Sofya confirms as Event Steward.
Chatelaine: nothing new, nothing much going on for activities.
Archery: no one got hurt at the event, everyone wanted to free shoot, nobody lost their arrows. Similar for the thrown weapons.
Exchequer: we have a little more money, reports were sent on time.
Chronicler: if we want a newsletter, get articles in. Include Lilies stuff.
Herald: we have names and devices and some new awards!
Deputy Webminister: Our domain was renewed for the year.
August 24th, First Methodist Church/Zoom
Attending: William, Juliana, Avelyn, Jory, Hans, Sofya, Gobban, Gwyn
Gate: 66 people total. 57 adults (41 members, 16 nonmembers), 2 free royals, 3 paying children, 4 free children.
Total Fees: $1,024. Costs: $691. Profit: $332.93
Inn: very few leftovers, only about a dozen runzas (originally 15 dozen), mini breakfast quiches went over well.
Next Year:
August 10th at First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: Willliam, Gobban, Sifrid, Juliana, Avelyn, Gwynhwyvar, Sofya; remotely Jory, David, Rune, Tatiana
Event Planning:
Helpers from NW Contact group for inn, troll, assistant marshals – William to coordinate.
Start showing up to set up noon-ish on Friday, depending on how much stuff your area has to set up.
Need about $200 in seed money. Cash or check only. No credit cards.
Remember, no fish. Link to covid-safe policy.
A&S Demo tables, classes?
Games area inside, Goose outside (print instructions, Noname?)
Post-revel – pizza ovens? hot dogs in the park? Gobblers roost?
Judging plans on the webpage.
Recruit workers for Heralds Point. Gida to be court herald if needed.
13 July 2022, First Methodist Church, Mason City and Zoom.
Attending: William, Juliana, Gobban, Gwyn, Sifrid, Sofya, Avelyn, Jory, Hans, Rune, Tatiana, Gida
August Event Business:
Checks and paperwork:
Gate to close 2 pm. Sifrid will print more brochures for visitors. Keep an eye out for visitors and be hospitable. Gida invited the City Council to stop by when she was at the meeting. Juliana tweaking her site token idea because it needs to indicate that people have their covid clearance.
Royal Liaison:
Do we want to make a donation to the Royal Travel fund? Gida suggests $50-$100…
Juliana warned Stasi about the event. Hasn’t heard back on her plans. Thomas is doing good with his treatments so far. Gida mentions someone should contact Thorir about the event (Sofya volunteers).
Signs: Do not enter (kitchen). Privy chamber. Common area. Gate/Troll. Restrooms.
Juliana still looking for the cool lunch trays. We’re low on inn supplies.
NW Contact group coming to help. Becca coming and trying to bring a friend. Will verify the power works for Amun.
Games: Goose, Kubb, shut-the-box, kid’s axe throw, cribbage, etc.
Suggest checking with the city clerk on the status of the park across the street in case of post-revel.
Pondering a fundraiser table… if we have enough people to have someone watch it.
A&S meeting for event planning purposes is back on – Zoom on the 27th because RAGBRAI is in town, Rune to host.
8 June 2022, First Methodist Church, Mason City, IA
Attending: William, Sifrid, Juliana, Rune, Tatiana, Sofya, Brigida, Berndt
Chronicler: we can have a newletter this quarter if we have submissions. Gida is hoping to get going on her research articles on royal dynasties.
Chateleine: no new demos.
Web Minister: he got a weird email from DreamHost claiming that we needed to pay a little too much money or we’d be shut down on the 25th, which didn’t make a lot of sense since the Kingdom is hosting us now. Our site is still up.
Heraldry: no new names, no new heraldry, working at Lilies Point for consultations.
Exchequer: via the Seneschal, we’re sure we have money. The Exchequer has a new camper.
A&S Meeting: next meeting cancelled for Lilies. July is RAGBRAI, so we should probably cancel A&S for that. August Richard III video vs silk painting.
Meeting Site: William signed a contract with the church – still free, put things back where we found them, notify of changes.
St. Augustine’s UnFaire – August 27th at the Park House, Amon tentatively planning to bring glass stuff. Archery at Lime Creek or Mohawk Archery.